Estate Lawyer Serving Aledo in Parker County

Update estate plans with an Aledo Estate lawyer, serving Parker County and surrounding areas.
Mark Harden is a local practicing estate lawyer in Parker County.
Planning for the future is a part of life and an experienced Estate Lawyer can help guide you through the process. You established an estate plan years ago, filed it away in a safety deposit box, and haven’t thought much about it since. There’s a sense of security that came with just knowing it was done. A lot of people believe that once an estate plan has been established, they’re in the clear. However, it’s important to realize that is not always the case.
You took the time to put together an estate plan because you care what happens to everything you’ve collected and worked for. Life is full of change and you might be in a completely different spot now than you were when the estate plans were established. This type of change is inevitable and needs to be accounted for as years go by.
Below you will find a list of reasons why it’s important to keep your estate plans up-to-date:
1. Person(s) included in your will are deceased.
The grieving process can be very emotional but it’s important to update your will with your estate plans lawyer if someone named has passed away.
2. Birth of a child.
Who will become your children’s legal guardian if something happens to you? What assets do you want to leave them? Any time a new child is born, your plans need to be updated.
3. Your children are no longer minors.
If your children are over the age of 18, you no longer need to worry about naming a legal guardian to care for them.
4. You’ve been through a divorce.
Maybe it hasn’t even occurred to you that your once-established estate plans are reflective of a marriage that is no longer valid.
5. You got remarried or are in a new committed relationship.
Do you want your new spouse or life partner included in your will? Are you included in theirs? Ask your lawyer about your estate plan matters.
6. New people should be named (or unnamed).
As stated above, the birth (or adoption) of a new child is an essential reason to update your will. This also applies to anyone else you may decide to include or exclude.
7. New state laws.
Keep an eye out for changes in the law that could affect your estate plans with your lawyer.
8. Moved to a different state or country.
Legal requirements vary from state to state or country to country. Be diligent about the rules/regulations of your current residence. How could your plans be affected by the variations in these laws?
9. Purchased or sold real estate.
Your estate plans should be reviewed with your estate plans lawyer and account for all currently-owned property.
10. Change in financial status.
Whether you came into an inheritance, made a good investment, or upped your earning potential, keep your money safe by updating your plans immediately.
11. Change in health.
If you or a family member becomes ill, make sure funds are allocated for proper medical care. 12. Significant time has passed
Regardless of life changes, it is recommended that your estate plans be reviewed and updated every three to five years.
We can work with you as your lawyer on estate plans in Aledo, Hudson Oaks, Walsh Ranch, Weatherford, Willow Park, and all of Parker County and surrounding counties. Our office is located on the historic square in downtown Weatherford.